Ring ring

This is the first ever site on entire internet world world which uploaded multi kick procedures n all sorts of codes
This is brand new and very easy method of Multi Kicking due to which u can Kick 4 at same time. Just download the software which converts ur one desktop into four desktops, Open 9 migs in each desktop n keep 9 migs of one desktop in room n other 3 desktop migs in back room, select the user name of 4 different persons u want to kick, one person in each desktop, than move from one desktop to other while kicking, it will make u top multi kicker. Download multi desktop software from here
For example, start kick from id 1 in first desktop than follow with others, in second desktop star kick with 2nd id than follow kick from rest, than in 3rd desktop start kick with 3rd nick n follow similarly with 4th desktop, this procedure is devised by me.
Flooding Code
The only site on whole web which provides free flooding code courtesy of a dear friend, now every one will copy this code from this site into there site.download it n enjoy.


This is zip file,download zip extracter on your phone to open it on phone or download this file on pc extract it there and transfer to phone
Multi kicking
Multi kicking is very easy mig trick by which you can your self kick a person out of room in fraction of seconds, but make sure never kick an innocent out, only enjoy this trick against trouble makers. Multi kick can be done by latest nokia symbian mobiles and N series is best choice for it or it can be done on pc. For mobile download 9 different migs from immortalmig.xtgem.com and log on with 9 different ids on all 9 migs, enter this ids in room n select the id u want to kick on every mig than press on kick with all 9 migs. To use multi kick on pc download mig pc and one mobile java mig on your pc from immortalmig.xtgem.com, open 9 migs n log on with 9 ids enter room and enjoy kicking.

Fastest multi kicking
If u have enough practice on conventional multi kicking than u can move on to fastest multi kick which is pretty much like kick described above, in this time when u select the id on 9 migs u want to kick, minimise all the migs n make a call to help line of your network, it will hold the gprs connection, than give kick with every mig but kick will not execute cuz connection is on hold,after that end the call n connection will again be made, in this way all kicks were execute within a second n victum will have no time to escape.

Avoid Multi kick
It is more likely that a multi kicker may have been using older versions of mig, so in order to avoid being multi kicked use old hang codes for version 2.04 to get away from being kicked
To chat with offline users
To chat with friends who are offline, just enter any room, go to menu and click on Private Chat than 'enter username', the write the id of friend who is offline, in this way u can talk to offline friends

How to chat with those who blocked you
To chat with those who blocked you, you need to ask your friend to pvt him and than enter you in group chat, or if u know how to use multiple ids than pvt him with another id n invite your main id in group chat with him